Monday 9 June 2008

Kate Nash Says Scarlett Johansson Reviews Are "Sexist"

Kate Nash has lashed out at reviewers, claiming they have been sexist while tackling Scarlett Johansson's debut album Anywhere I Lay My Head.

Discussing a particular (but un-named) review of the Dave Sitek-produced record, the 'Foundations' singer says: "It does my head in that he [meaning the reviewer] had to bring it down such a sh***y level, cutting her down because he can roll his eyes and pass it off as nonsense because 'she's a pretty little girly girl from Hollywood who thinks she can have a go at dressing up like daddy'."

"Shouldn't we just stick to what we do best girls and smell nice? Sell ourselves short? And shut the f**k up? It's blatant sexism." Nash continued in her rant.

"I know if I start talking about this I'm a 'dyke' and 'a man hater' and I'll be 'knocked off that pedestal missy' but these kinds of attitudes should be thought of as prehistoric. If you must attack at least attack fairly, don't be so petty. Point is, I hate arrogant sexist patronising t**ts, I'm really more into equality."

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